One of the more notorious pests, discovering a cockroach in your home or business is never a pleasant experience. Known to be very resilient creatures, dealing with an infestation can be an uphill battle.
There are around 4,600 species of cockroach worldwide. Fortunately not all of them are pests, about 30 cockroach species are associated with human habitats and five of those are well known as pests.
In the UK we generally deal with two of the most common types of cockroach: the Oriental cockroach and the German cockroach.
Cockroaches pose a direct health risk to humans. They are vectors of disease, known to carry the organisms that cause food poisoning in humans and many other bacteria, such as salmonella, staphylococcus and streptococcus.
Cockroaches move from sewers, drains into buildings and human habitats. This means that when they’re in your building, foraging for food and water, they will contaminate anything they come into contact with: food, utensils and preparation surfaces.
Cockroach Clues
The faeces of a roach look like tiny black or brown rice grains and their size will depend on how large the insect is.
A large population of cockroaches in your property will “notify” your nose. The unpleasant insects emit a specific musty odour, which is strong and unsavoury.

Protecting Your Business
Nothing can ruin the reputation of a business faster than news of a cockroach infestation.
All businesses are at risk, but industries handling food and drink, and those operating within highly regulated environments, may face a greater danger from exposure to cockroaches.